Medical Chronology

Medical records are arranged chronologically and provide you timeline of events surrounding the allegations. Every piece of medical information is cross-referenced with the original medical record. Our chronological medical summaries save valuable review time for the expert.

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Narrative Summary

At MedSmith Solutions, large volume of the medical records are systematically analyzed and narrated. Case specific information surrounding the allegation is retained with utmost care. The case narrative reports are very useful for the attorney while preparing the complaint or demand letter.

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Demand Letter

Our demand letter includes the medical narrative that starts from treatment by paramedics at the scene until the victim stopped actively treating the injury. Names of physicians or clinics visited, the dates of the visits, and what occurred at those visits are set out appropriately

Free Billing Summary

Free Exhibits

Free Missing Records Identification

Deposition Summary

This report identifies important medical points in the deposition by page and line. “Page-Line” summaries are typically formatted to include columns for (i) page-line; (ii) exhibit; and (iii) summary of testimony.

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Billing Summary

In this chart both past expenses that were already paid for in connection with the personal injury, as well as future medical costs will be consolidated and presented a single document. A extensive list is prepared, especially if the injured party has to undergo continued treatment or recurring medical care.

Medical Opinion

Our physicians give an opinion on the medical case with valid reasoning and inferences in a question and answer format. In order to simplify medical jargon, we also present this data in a way that a non-medical person could understand, along with references from standard medical books or literature.

Provider List

Our MD’s will prepare a separate provider list including the number of visits and the date range for each provider. The physician specialty will be included.

Med Interpret

Med-a-Word feature enhances comprehension of medical terminology appearing in medical chronologies or deposition transcripts. Definition pop-ups of medical summary or deposition terms appear by mousing over the desired term.

Medical Transcription

Our team of medical transcriptionist and quality analyst works around the clock & ensures that work will be completed within the agree-upon TAT.

PDF Sorting & Sorting

We specialize in sorting the medical records based on chronological occurrences (date-wise), provider and service types. i) Provider wise PDF Sorting, ii) Chronological PDF Sorting, iii) Record wise PDF Sorting


PDF document navigational tools that allow the reader to quickly locate and link to the points of interest within the medical record. They can be prepared in user defined categories such as providers, record type and dates, allowing easy file access.


Hyperlinks allow for instant navigation from summaries and timelines to corresponding source pages. Clicking the references in the hot linked document will take you the corresponding page in the medical records. (Available only in PDF)

Missing Records Identification

A detailed list of missing records to retrieve is forwarded including dates, providers, the record type and their importance to case analysis.

Special Reports

Our MD’s will prepare Pain & Suffering Chart and Graph, Accident Timeline, List of injuries, Comparative Chart, Pain & Mediation Graph, Treatment Chart and Pre-existing injuries.

Jury Questionnaires

During jury selection often thousands of pages of completed jury questionnaires are compiled. Important juror details may be overlooked.